Christina Taufen, DO
Primary Care Provider

Dr. Taufen serves as Skyway’s Primary Care Provider. She conducts medical history checks and physical exams upon admission. She also reviews admissions labs, EKG’s and vitals. Dr. Taufen ensures that medical concerns are addressed throughout the client’s time at Skyway. She often coordinates with other medical team members, staff, and outside providers to advance the client’s recovery and well-being.
Dr. Taufen earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She attended medical school at A.T. Still University-Kirksville College of Osteopathy. She then completed her residency with the Family Medicine Residency at the Medical Center in Columbus, Georgia, and is board-certified. Before Skyway, her experiences included working at immediate care clinics and a full-spectrum family medicine practice in Highland Park.